Genesis Chapter 5

These are Adam’s descendants. When Adam was 130, he named his son, Seth. He lived for an additional 800 years with Seth. When Adam was 930, he passed away after having many children. 

When Seth was 105, he named his son, Enosh, and lived for 807 years. He had other children and passed away during that time when he was 912. When Enosh was 90, he named his son, Kenan. He lived for an additional 815 years with Kenan. Enosh passed away when he was 905. When Kenan was 70, he named his son, Mahalalel. Mahalalel lived for an additional 840 years and passed away at 910. 

When Mahalalel was 65, he named his son, Jared. Jared lived for an additional 830 years and passed away at 895 when he had many children. When Jared was 162, he named his son, Enoch. Enoch lived for an additional 800 years and passed away at 962 after he had other children. When Enoch was 65, he named his son, Methuselah. After having Methuselah as his son, Enoch lived in good fellowship with God for 300 years and had his other children. He lived to be 365. He spent his whole life with God, but disappeared, because God took him away. 

When Methuselah was 187, he named his son, Lamech. Lamech lived for an additional 782 years and passed away at 969 when he had other children. When Lamech was 182, he said, “From the ground which the Lord put up with all curses, my son will bring support from all of our work.” That son’s name was Noah. Lamech lived for 595 years and passed away at 777. Noah was 500, and he had three sons named Shem, Ham and Japheth. 

Our PECS/Picture Exchange Communication System for Genesis Chapter 5

Adam Has A large Family


1. What is the main focus of Genesis 5?
3. What role does Noah play in this chapter?
4. Who were Noah's three sons mentioned in this chapter?

fill in the blank

1. Enoch is noted for his close relationship with God, as he "_________ with God."
2. Methuselah is famous for living _______ years, making him the longest-lived person mentioned in this chapter.
3. Shem, Ham, and ________ are introduced as Noah's sons.