Leviticus Chapter 1

God called Moses from the tent of meeting to him, saying, “If one of the Israelites would present an offering to God from the domestic animals, he would present that offering from the herd or flock. If a burnt offering comes from the herd, he should present him with a new male animal that is present and sound with him of his own free will before God at the tent of meeting. Next, he has to lay his hand on the burnt offering’s head, and it will make pure and new atonement when he accepts it in his behalf. The young bull must be killed before God, and the sons of Aaron, the priests, will sprinkle a lot of blood on the altar after presenting it, which is at the tent meeting’s entrance. The burnt offering shall be cut into pieces and skinned up. The sons of Aaron, the priests, need to put fire on the altar with organized wood on the fire.

Then they will organize the offering pieces with the head and the suet that is over the new wood that is on the fire on the altar. Its intestines and shanks will be washed with fresh water, and the priest is to make all of it purified smoke on the altar as a new burnt offering, an offering made by fire of a wonderful aroma to God alone. If his offering for the burnt offering is from the flock, young rams or goats, he shall present a new male animal that is present and sound. A new male animal must be killed before God near the north side of the altar before God, and Aaron’s sons, the priests, will sprinkle more blood on all the altar’s sides. He will cut it into small pieces, and with its head and suet, the priest will arrange them over the wood on the fire on the altar. He will wash the intestines and shanks with fresh water, and the priest will present all of it and make it a new smoke on the altar. It will be another burnt offering that consists of a great aroma before the one true God.

However, if he offers birds as a new burnt offering to God, he will present his offering from the turtledoves or young pigeons. The priest will present that offering and squeeze off its head and make it smoke on the altar, but its blood should be washed out on the side of the altar. He should take away its crop and feathers and get rid of them beside the altar to the east where the place for the ashes is. He will split all of its wings without separating them into two parts. Then the priest will make it smoke on the altar over the wood that is on the burnt fire. It will be another burnt offering of a sweet and fresh aroma to God.”

Our PECS/Picture Exchange Communication System for Leviticus Chapter 1


1. How many burnt offerings that God described before Moses?
2. Why did Moses offer birds as God’s burnt offering?
3. How should the bull be killed before God while the bull’s burnt offering will be cut up into small pieces?
4. Why did God describe Moses’ animals as “present and sound?”