Genesis Chapter 4

Adam had a good relationship with Eve, and Eve gave birth to her first son, Cain. After giving birth to Cain, she did the same thing and named her second son Abel. Abel and Cain had two different jobs. Abel was in charge of the sheep’s flock, a shepherd, and Cain was in charge of planting the new ground, a farmer. Cain offered some fruits to God, but Abel gave God some fat from his flock. While God was looking at both of them, He didn’t provide advice for either of their offerings to be changed. Then Cain was full of anger and rage. God questioned Cain about the reason why he should be doing good and restoring favor. But if he didn’t do good, he wouldn’t master sin at the doorway that was approaching him, and that would make him unhappy. So Cain suggested to Abel that he would strike Abel in the field, and God said to Cain that Abel was crying out the blood from the ground that had been shed, and he would be driven out from the ground because Cain killed him. 

Cain would be in the land of Exile. Afterward, Cain had a good relationship with his wife there, and she gave birth to his sons. The names of the sons were Enoch, whom Cain had built a city around, Irad, Mehujael, Methushael, and Lamech. Lamech had two wives named Adah and Zillah. Adah named her son Jabal, who was the maker of all animals in the grazes. Jubal was his brother who played music on the harp and pipe. Zillah gave birth to her son named Tubalcain, who was in charge of making things with copper and iron. Naamah was his sister. Lamech made a proclamation to his two wives, stating that if one of the people would have to pay for killing Cain for 7 times, he would be avenged for a total of 77 strikes in a row, like Cain as well. Adam had a good relationship with his wife also, and they gave birth to another son of theirs. She declared, “God has given me a nice and brand-new son to take Abel’s place,” and he named his son Seth. Enosh was his other son, and people began crying out to the name of the Lord for help and mercy in times of need and distress, and God answered their prayers. 

Our PECS/Picture Exchange Communication System for Genesis Chapter 4

Adam & Eve Birthed Cain & Abel


1. Who were the two sons of Adam and Eve mentioned in Genesis 4?
2. What was Cain's occupation?
3. Whose sacrifice did God accept?
4. What was the consequence of Cain's sin?