Genesis Chapter 3

The serpent was watchful of the man and woman who were doing the right thing in the Garden of Eden. The serpent asked the woman, “Did God really tell you not to eat the fruit of the garden’s tree in any way?” The woman said, “We can eat any fruit from the trees in this garden, but God said that we should not eat from the tree in the middle of the garden, otherwise, if we eat it, we will die that same day and be sent out.” With that statement, the serpent told the woman, “You certainly won’t die. God sees that if you eat from the middle tree during the midday hours, your eyes will be wide open, and you will be like God, where you will know the good and bad things that come your way.” Unfortunately, the middle tree was good and pleasing to the fruit where the woman saw it, so she ate the fruit and gave some to her husband, Adam, who ate it also. They hid and made sewn new leaves out of fresh figs to cover themselves up. They both knew that the serpent was telling a lie. 

Later on, the man and woman saw God taking a brisk walk in the garden in the coolness of the day. God asked the man, “Where are you? I am walking here.”  Then the man said, “I am here in the middle of the garden. I didn’t recognize your face at first.” God asked in a serious voice, “Who told you that you are naked now? Is it because you didn’t pay attention to what I just said to you? I told you never to eat from the tree of evil.” The man told God, “The woman whom You made gave the fruit from the tree to me, so I ate it up.” God then asked the woman, “What have you done?” The woman replied, “The serpent tricked me, so I ate as well.”

God told the serpent, “Because you have done this false thing before them and told them bad lies, you will be upon a curse of all the animals in this garden. You will crawl on your belly and find dust to eat all your life and never return. I will put hostility and brutality between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers. He shall crush your head down, and you shall bruise his heel.”

God told the woman she would suffer pain in pregnancy and in giving birth to her children, and that her husband would rule over her. Adam, on the other hand, wouldn’t listen to God’s voice at all, so God said to Adam that he would eat the produce and vegetation found on the ground all the days of his life, with thorns and thistles that would begin to grow upward. When Adam’s face would begin to sweat, he would eat bread until returning to the ground again and be unknown, for man is the new symbol of dust and ashes, and to dust, he shall return. Adam named his wife Eve because she would become the mother of all who live in this world. And God made garments of skin to clothe Adam and Eve up so that they would feel proper and serious. God said that Adam should not eat from the Tree of Life and live forever upon which God had directed him. So God sent Adam out of the garden to work the ground to grow new life in His new work ahead. 

Our PECS/Picture Exchange Communication System for Genesis Chapter 3

Serpent Is the Devil
Adam and Eve Ate Forbidden Fruit


1. Who tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit?
2. What was the name of the tree they were not supposed to eat from?
3. What was the consequence of Adam and Eve eating the fruit?