Genesis Chapter 2

The heavens and everything that lived on the earth were finished. On the seventh day, God rested from all the work in the world that He had begun creating. God made it a sacred place because of His blessing that He gave to the world as well. That is why it was called the universe.

When God created the universe, there were no plants or seeds that grew up under the ground, and there was no rain to water or grow new land from, but water would come up to make the ground all cool and fresh. Then the Lord got some soil to breathe for the man’s nostrils to smell so that he would recognize God’s handiwork. The man got up and began to live freely. Next, in Eden, God began to work on the garden, and there, He put the man in a safe place. He started to plant trees with new kinds of fruit that grew in them and made the tree of knowledge of good and evil for him to eat from. A gushing stream of water was there in Eden beyond the other rivers; there were four that separated them. The names of the 4 rivers were the Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates. 

The Lord God brought the man to the Garden of Eden to make sure that everything was fine there. God told the man, “You may eat the good fruit off of any tree that you desire, but if you eat the fruit of the tree of something that will be bad, you will be sent out of this garden to die that same day.” The man understood God’s commands. 

Then God told Himself that the man doesn’t want to be alone and that He would make a favorable companion, so He formed new soil for the animals and birds that live in the sky; not one of those animals were suitable companions upon helping Him, so the man fell asleep on the ground and took out one of his ribs near his body to store up the flesh closed near him. Just then, a woman came out of the rib and sent him in. The man said proudly, “Here is my new companion. She will now be called ‘Woman,’ because she received me out of my rib. These are my bones and flesh which I have prepared in mind.” That was why a man and his wife left their parents because they were in the flesh of God and were truly naked but unashamed of God’s deeds and promises. 

Our PECS/Picture Exchange Communication System for Genesis Chapter 2

God Rested On 7th day
God Told Adam Adam & Eve Not to Eat forbidden fruit


1. How did God create a man?
2. What did God do on the seventh day?
3. What were the names of the two trees in the midst of the garden?
4. What command did God give to man regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?

fill in the blank

1. God breathed ___________ into the man, making him a living being.
2. God planted a garden called ___________.
3. God commanded the man not to eat from the tree of the ___________ of good and evil.
4. God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man and formed ___________ from one of his ribs.