John Chapter 7

Afterwards, Jesus began teaching in Galilee because he didn't want to do so in the city of Judea due to the Jews seeking to harm him. The Jewish Festival of Tabernacles was approaching. Jesus' brothers urged him to go to Judea and show himself to the world, as they didn't have faith in him. However, Jesus told them that his time had not yet come. Despite their insistence, Jesus stayed in Galilee. Later, Jesus went to the temple in secret and began teaching. The Jews were amazed at his knowledge of the Scriptures, wondering how he acquired it without formal education.

Jesus clarified that his teachings were not his own but came from the One who sent him. He challenged the crowd, noting that while they adhered to the Law given by Moses, none of them truly followed it. Some in the crowd accused Jesus of having a demon and wanting to harm him, while others questioned if he could be the Christ. Jesus explained that he came from the One who sent him, but the people didn't recognize or know the One who sent him.

The Jews sought to apprehend Jesus, but they couldn't lay hands on him because his hour had not yet come. Many in the crowd believed in Jesus and speculated about his identity and whether he would perform more signs than he had already done. There was division among the people regarding Jesus. Some wanted to seize him, but no one acted upon it. The officers who had been sent to arrest Jesus returned empty-handed, amazed by his teachings. The Pharisees questioned the officers, suggesting that they too had been deceived by Jesus. Nicodemus, who had previously come to Jesus, defended him by reminding the Pharisees that the Law required hearing from someone before forming an opinion. The Pharisees dismissed Nicodemus and claimed that no prophet could arise from Galilee.

Our PECS/Picture Exchange Communication System for John Chapter 7

Jesus Teaching To people About his time


1. How did some people know that Jesus was the Christ?
2. Why did Jesus talk about man's originality for his glory?
3. What did Jesus talk about when He came to the temple?
4. What is the deed that Jesus performed?