John Chapter 7

After the proclamation, Jesus traveled to Galilee; He didn’t want to go to Judea, for the Jewish authorities wanted to seize Him out. The Festival of Shelters was approaching, so the brothers of Jesus told Him, “Depart and go to Judea so that Your followers will see Your works. People won’t hide what they are doing if they want to be recognized. As You are doing these things now, let the people of the world know You.” Jesus said, “The right hour for Me hasn’t approached yet. Anytime is good for you to take part. All the world’s people like you, but the world in general dislikes Me, because the world has done evil deeds. You go on to the Festival of Shelters. I won’t be going to the festival because the hour hasn’t come for Me.” He stayed in Galilee.

After the brothers departed for the Festival, Jesus went too secretly. The Jewish authorities were searching for Jesus. “Where is Jesus?” they said. There was much whispering and mumbling amongst the crowds that Jesus the Jewish authorities were surprised that Jesus didn’t go to school but had taught in the temple. Jesus told the crowd, “What I teach about the Word is from God, who took Me. Whoever is willing to do God’s things will know whether it’s from God’s teachings or My own authority. Those who speak on My own authority will receive glory for themselves. But if that person will be honest, he will receive My glory, and there is nothing wrong in him. Moses taught you the Law. Not every single one of you people follows the Law. Why are you seizing me?” The crowd responded, “You have one demon in You. Who is now trying to seize You?” Jesus told them, “I have done a miracle, and you were surprised. Moses told you to circumcise your sons from the start, and you circumcise a boy on the Sabbath day. Why are you angry with Me because of a man that was healed on the Sabbath? Judge by My true standards and you’ll see.” 

Some of Jerusalem’s people were confused about the man that the authorities are trying to seize. They wanted to know if Jesus was really the Messiah. As Jesus taught in the temple, Jesus told them that God sent Him, and that God was truthful. No one laid hands on Him because the hour hadn't yet come, and many people believed in Him. 

The Pharisees heard the others talking about Jesus, so the chief priests called out some guards to seize Him down. Jesus told them to stay a little while and then leave because the people won’t know where Jesus is coming or going. Jesus spoke to the people on the last day of the Festival that whoever will be thirsty shall come to Him and believe in Him to receive a drink. Jesus was talking about the Scriptures for the water being poured out, which was there for the people who need to be received, and the Spirit had not been raised to His glory.

Some of the people mumbled about Jesus, who was a prophet, and others, the Messiah. When the guards arrived from coming back, they talked about the Law of Moses and the people were under a curse. Nicodemus, one of the Pharisees, told them that the Law doesn’t want to condemn people before hearing those words and what they had done to obey them. 

Our PECS/Picture Exchange Communication System for John Chapter 7

Jesus Teaching To people About his time


1. How did some people know that Jesus was the Christ?
2. Why did Jesus talk about man's originality for his glory?
3. What did Jesus talk about when He came to the temple?
4. What is the deed that Jesus performed?