Genesis Chapter 1

On the first day, God made the heavens in the skies that He had created. But there was no earth to separate the heavens because the earth had no life to have underneath all things. God’s mighty hands were powerful at creating an active expanse that he built upon the waters. God saw that there was no light, only darkness that He had parted in. “Let new light shine throughout so that the whole earth could see in all its glory that I have made.” There was glorious light shining. He called the light and darkness, Day and Night. The day and night opened up beautifully from the earth for the skies to be looked up in heaven, because God had made them come alive and spring forth new, abundant life in Him. 

Then, God made a big dome to collide with the waters splitting apart in the most heavenly places while God had told Himself His next duty. God called it “Sky” because the two places were separated under and above the heavens. There was evening and morning combined, a second day. 

God combined the earth and skies moving together in one place so that the land would appear above and below. He called the land, Earth, and the waters, Seas, and He looked at it, but He separated the earth to make way for the seas to come in with new life and plenty of waters beneath the earth’s surface. He made sure that the earth would bring forth fresh grass which will be made into new trees that will grow new fruit of all kinds which grow new seeds to blossom in the trees and they did just as God had commanded them. There was evening and morning, a third day. 

On the fourth day, God declared that He wanted lights to break forth and shine like the dawn guiding forth with the sun and moon to seek the skies above. He created new lights for shining the skies onward so that His eyes could see all that was happening around Him. He also created the stars for twinkling in the night so that the lights would be kept on. And God saw that the lights were good. There was evening and morning, a fourth day. 

On the fifth day, God said, “Let the earth be filled with things that fly across the skies and the waters to be filled with all kinds of figures so that all the world will know that I am God alone.” God had made all kinds of creatures that separated from the water and all beings that resemble hope and love found within God’s hands. He also made them multiply so that they would become blessed in His mercy. Morning and evening were there on the fifth day as the birds and all water-filled creatures came to know Jesus Himself.

On the sixth day, God proclaimed that He needed more animals to add upon the earth, so He proclaimed, “Let these animals have greater authority over the things of the water, earth and skies.” He made wild animals that roam across the lands of the earth. He also created human beings, male and female, and their children that would know God better. God blessed the human beings and told them that He would produce good fruit for them so that they could eat whenever they wanted to and to feel happy in the Lord so that they can sing hymns and spiritual songs about Jesus’ work. Children will understand God’s truth and grace as well. And the final day, His sixth day, was complete. God was and still is the Creator of all things. He gives us all that we need to live in this world of ours. 

Our PECS/Picture Exchange Communication System for Genesis Chapter 1

God Created Heaven And Earth God Created Light And Dark
God Created Man And Woman


1. Who created the heavens and the earth?
2. How did God separate light from darkness?
3. What did God create to govern the day and the night?
4. What did God command the waters to teem with?
5. In whose image were man and woman created?

fill in the blank

1. In the beginning, God created the ___________ and the ___________.
2. God spoke and brought forth ___________, separating it from darkness.
3. God commanded the waters to teem with fish and other ___________ creatures.
4. God created man and woman in His own ___________.