John Chapter 1

In the beginning, there was the Word which was God’s Word. God created all things and not every creation was made without the Lord. The Word brought light to people and kept its way in the darkness. John became God’s messenger who told people about the light so that all people would live out God’s Word. John told people about the light and was not the light himself. The real light shines into the world on all people. God made the world and the Word was in the world. But the world was not seen. The Lord visited His country, but His own people didn’t believe Him. Some people did believe the Lord of the world, so the Lord blessed them to become His children. The Lord became their Father so the Word became real and lives with us. The people received His glory as the Father’s only Son. John spoke about the Lord and said, “This is the Lord that I was talking about when I said, ‘He is greater than I am because He was there before I was born.’” The Lord has blessed us with His grace and gave the law through Moses, but grace and truth came through His Son, Jesus Christ. Nobody has ever recognized God except His Son, who has made Him known. 

The Jewish police brought out the priests and Levites to Jerusalem. They asked John, “Who are you?” “John told them, saying, “I am not the Messiah.” They asked again, “Well then, who are you? Are you Elijah?” John responded, “No, I am not Elijah or the Messiah.” They asked John if he was a prophet, and John Said, “No, I am a prophet either.” They spoke again saying, “Tell us who you really are. We need a clear answer to the people who brought us here. What can you say about yourself?” John said what the prophet Isaiah had told him, “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness. Make straight in the desert a new highway for the Lord to walk.” The messengers asked John again, “If you are not the Messiah, Elijah or the Prophet, why do you baptize us? John said clearly, “I baptize you with new water, but among you is the one you don’t recognize. He is proceeding after me, yet I am unworthy enough to tie His sandals.” This all occurred in Bethany on the Jordan River on the east side, where John was now being baptized. He told them, “Believe me by my words. I send by my actions in the water for baptism, because I am not worthy of taking shoes off on holy ground. Don’t be afraid, for the One is standing right now beside you with confidence and grace.” On the next day, John approached Jesus and looked about saying, “Behold, this is the Son of God who is with me in this world! Even though I didn't see him at first, the One who approached me in water for baptism was that He might be made new in the city of Israel. I have seen a dove flying in the sky, and it represents new life. I will see the Son of God walking down by the water.” And John looked up at Jesus with great astonishment and amazement. After calling out for his disciples, all of them approached him to the place where he will stay on that day. Andrew, who is Simon Peter’s brother, told the disciples that they had found Christ’s face upon coming after them. Simon was with him as well. Jesus told Simon that he will be called Peter, a good man of many deeds.

The following day, Philip, who was from Bethsaida, left for Galilee and found Nathanael, another man there. Nathaneal asked anything at all about Jesus of Nazareth and wanted to know if He was doing great things for him, but Peter told him to walk over and watch Him. Jesus looked upon and said, “There is an Israelite in doing no harmful work.” Nathanael asked, “How did you recognize me that quickly?” Jesus said, “Before you were walking beneath one of the fig trees to sit down, I looked with my own eyes.” Nathanael said in great joy, “Teacher, You truly are the Son of the living God.” Jesus told him, “No man should be left behind. You will see My work as a symbol of powerful things to come. You will see the work of many angels going up and down of the heavens as a sign of great things to come. Behold, my work isn’t finished yet in the hands of my Father, the Almighty God.” 

Our PECS/Picture Exchange Communication System for John Chapter 1

John the Baptist Baptized Jesus In Jordan River