Genesis Chapter 10

Noah’s sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth had a long history of their sons. They bore to them after the floods had a quiet calmness. Japheth had a total of 7 sons in all, Gomer had 3 sons and Javan had 4 sons. All of the living people spread apart according to the cities’ homelands which they resided on. Ham had 4 sons also, and Cush had 4 sons, and he was also Nimrod’s father by whom he gave a small declaration to the one true God and a smart finder by which he started building the kingdom near the city. 

All the different Canaanite families walked out into their homes. The sons of Ham had separate parts for living in homes with many different tongues being spoken out. Shem had a lot of children being born, as well as Eber. Eber had 2 sons, Peleg and Joktan. Joktan had 13 sons altogether by their names. All their residing places went as far as the east of each nation accordingly. Shem’s sons and Noah’s families were being split apart after the waters and flood died down. Noah’s family was decreasing as well. 

Our PECS/Picture Exchange Communication System for Genesis Chapter 10

Noah Family Grew


fill in the blank

1. The earth was _________ after the serious floods.
2. Joktan had _________ sons.
3. What are the names of Noha's sons _________.