Genesis Chapter 9

God proceeded on with Noah’s blessing and told him: “Continue making the earth with your increase. Everything that is now on the earth, all living things and flying creatures, are now in your hands. However, every animal that moves is now food being eaten. You must not eat each animal’s blood being thrown up. I give and serve my all for your life. Besides those, I will give 2 accountings for both of you to live from. Anyone having this blood will be cleaned and made whole because of God’s creation of man. As for you, may you grow in My name in order to have My fruits of the Spirit being gathered up.” God told Noah and his sons that He promised to not bring floods on the earth to get rid of all the animals, for the animals are safe inside the ark and that all flesh will be there, and that was a good declaration. 

God also told Noah that He will provide a rainbow, signifying that it will come up in the clouds in the sky to represent Noah and his hard work on taking care of all the animals in the ark for good pleasure. Ham was Canaan’s father. All three of Noah’s sons came about and spread to Jesus’ gospel. Noah drank wine in the vineyard one day, and he was drunk up. Canaan's father, Ham, declared to his two brothers that Noah drank the wine, and they put a brand-new clothing design to cover him up so that no one would recognise him. When Noah was in his bed learning what his young son had done to him, he declared that Canaan would be the bad young man to his brothers. He died after the floods ended near the ark. 

Our PECS/Picture Exchange Communication System for Genesis Chapter 9

God Made A promise
God Will Not Flood Earth Again


2. What did God command Noah and his sons to do after the flood?
3. What did God prohibit Noah and his sons from consuming?

fill in the blank

1. What did God use as a symbol of His covenant with Noah and every living creature?