Genesis Chapter 8

God told Noah with all the other animals inside the ark that He was going to create a tiny wind force for the water to remain calm. He did just that as He commanded Noah to do. The seventh month had arrived, and the whole ark came to a stop and was on Ararat, which was near the tallest mountain peaks and over the waters. The tenth month had also arrived and the mountains became taller. 150 days of God’s work had been completed. 

40 days were complete during that time. Noah had 2 birds, a raven and dove, to find out whether or not all of the waters have diminished away. The raven came off first, and then the dove, one at a time. The raven flew on back into the ark because the waters were still continuing to go forward. Next, a dove flew past Noah and went ahead of him. The dove didn’t find any place to take a rest from its work, so it went back in because all of the waters were still rising from the earth. Noah did it again with the dove for a total of 14 days in a row. The dove was carrying an olive leaf in its bill that was nearly cut off, but it didn’t go in the ark like Noah asked it to any longer. The 601st year had come, and the waters had gone off until the earth had flowed back in its place. 

God told Noah: “Gather your wife, sons, sons’ wives and all living creatures and animals according to the flesh. I will count them up in number and they will become healthy and living that this world that I have created will need.” All animals were with him according to their families. Noah built a pleasant section of the altar to all the animals and blessed them greatly with conviction and courage. God provided sweet fragrances to them, for He said: “I will make no ground shake badly, for every man’s heart is now serious and broken from his growing youth. I will also not kill every animal or any other kind of breathing thing that I have constantly created in my liking. The earth will not stop growing new harvests for people to enjoy and with the seasons combined anytime during the day or night, so that anybody who knows Me best will know My name for all eternity.” 

Our PECS/Picture Exchange Communication System for Genesis Chapter 8

God Stoped The rain
Noah Sent Dove
Dove Returned With Olive Leaf
God Made Promise


fill in the blank

1. Noah sent out a ________ and a ________ to find dry land.
2. The dove returned with an ________ ________ in its beak.
3. God made a covenant with Noah, promising never to destroy all living creatures with a ________ again.