Genesis Chapter 7

God told Noah that he is faithful among his followers, so he went inside the ark with them. He began organizing the animals by different numbers accordingly so that the ark would be kept safe. God also declared to Noah about the rain that He will make it spread on the ark, and that He will make the water rise up that will be able to cause a flood. Then, God will drive out all the living creatures that He had created. Noah did according to what God had told him to do. After that, all the rain came pouring in on the ark like a mighty flood rushing in. 

Later after that, all the waters opened up all the springs and gates that were having all the floods bursting forth. It rained continuously every day for 40 days in a row with the nights as well. Noah closed the door after his family and all the animals that were with him got inside the ark safely. The waters and floods kept going up in number on the ark each time continuously. The tall mountains were upward on the earth, and they were still covered with heavy downpours of rain. The creatures then died, including all humankind, which were rid of all the earth. This total was 150 days straight with Noah’s work being completed. 

Our PECS/Picture Exchange Communication System for Genesis Chapter 7

Animals In Ark


fill in the blank

1. The waters rose up to _______ cubits above the mountains.
2. The waters overwhelmed the earth for _________days.
3. Noah’s animals went into the ark by _________.